Messi 106lDavid Villa 104lBellingham 103lZe Roberto 103lDrogba 102lTorres 102lHristo Stoichkov 102lCarlos 102lGulti 102
Pris pr. enhed

Coin : 50+

GP    : 13000000+

Team Strength : 3170+

IOS / Android (Both)

Security : Only Konami linked✅

♻️ Step 1 - First, log in to E-Football App using the email and password provided by the seller.

♻️ Step 2 - After logging in,will you check if your account matches the one you ordered.

Then open any browser on your mobile and enter Konami's official through the email and password provided by the seller. 

♻️ Step 3 - Personal Information → Email Address → OTP (From Seller → Enter Your Gmail  Address → OTP (From Your Mail Box) 📛

Thank You❤️

Contact the seller's inbox for any need✅