Please don't buy quickly. First, you need to get permission from the account vendor. If you buy first without the seller's permission. No game information will be sent.
Go to the link below to see more photos
imgaur. com/a/star-citizen-4-55Aro15020qtw
The reason why the account is cheap is because the value of the currency in our country is worthless
Go to the link below to see more photos
imgaur. com/a/star-citizen-4-55Aro15020qtw
Info of Account
This is an original backer Star Citizen account created in 2013 at the $17 Million level with a purchase of the Rear Admiral Pledge Package. 130 Ships, many more in buyback, years' worth of subscriber flair and special event items, paints etc. Total pledge value over $29,000 Ships / Ground Vehicles Aegis Javelin (Hull Limited) Aegis Idris-M (Hull Limited) Drake Kraken Privateer (Hull Limited) Origin 890 Jump (Hull Limited) Constellation Phoenix Emerald (Hull Limited) Consolidated Outland Pioneer (Hull Limited) MISC Hull E (Hull Limited) Origin 100i Origin 125a Origin 135c Origin 300i Origin 315p Origin 325a Origin 350r Origin 400i Origin 600i Executive Edition (Legatus Award) Origin 600i Touring Origin 85X Crusader A2 Hercules Crusader Ares Inferno Crusader Ares Ion RSI Arrastra RSA Aurora MR Aegis Avenger Stalker Aegis Avenger Titan Esperia Blade Crusader C2 Hercules Anvil C8R Pisces Anvil Carrack Drake Caterpillar RSI Constellation Andromeda RSI Constellation Aquila RSI Constellation Taurus Drake Corsair Anvil Crucible Drake Cutlass Black Drake Cutlass Blue Drake Cutlass Red Drake Cutter Drake Cutter Rambler Drake Cutter Scout Tumbril Cyclone Tumbril Cyclone MT Banu Defender Aegis Eclipse (Best in Show Edition) MISC Endeavor Esperia Talon Esperia Talon Shrike MISC Expanse Anvil F7C Hornet Mk II Anvil F7C-M Super Hornet Anvil F7C-M Super Hornet Heartseeker Anvil F8C Lightning Anvil F8C Lightning